Since our founding in 2016, we have been guided by one vision: we're not just about creating the best sportswear. Rather, we want to make this world a better place through the positive and unifying power of sports. And one thing is certain: we cannot achieve this goal alone. That's why we want to inspire as many people as possible to join our journey and share our values—including our business partners and other stakeholders.

Regardless of how small the contribution to the final RYZON product, we consider everyone involved to be part of our mission. For us, this means taking responsibility for the well-being of all RYZON employees, as well as expecting all those employed to enjoy appropriate working conditions, regardless of where they work.

The provisions of this Code of Conduct (CoC) represent minimum and not maximum standards, and therefore must not be used to prevent companies from exceeding these standards. Companies applying this CoC are expected to comply with national and other applicable laws, and, when the legal provisions and this CoC address the same subject, to apply the provision that offers the greater protection.

The CoC is based on regulations of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Code of Conduct of the Gesamtverband textil+mode, and the HDE (Handelsverband Deutschland) serve as guidelines.

Our suppliers play a crucial role in the success of our company, and we trust our suppliers

to provide truthful and honest information about responsible conduct.

1. Compliance

We at RYZON are committed to social and responsible, corporate governance in all areas in which we operate as a company. In doing so, we continuously consider the direct and indirect impacts of our business activities on society and the environment in order to achieve a balance of interests in economic, social, and environmental terms.

Our actions are based on generally accepted values and principles of integrity and legality, particularly concerning internationally defined human rights and labor standards in accordance with our CoC.

We support the objectives and contents of this CoC and will make reasonable efforts, in law and in fact, to voluntarily commit ourselves to them on an ongoing basis at our business locations in Germany and abroad. Should national regulations conflict with the contents of the CoC, or should it be impossible to implement the CoC in full, due to the national context, we will seek solutions.

We expect our suppliers and other business partners to fully comply with the applicable laws and regulations in their respective countries of operation and to guarantee this by signing this CoC.

2. Labor and Human Rights

We respect international human rights and labor standards in accordance with the UN Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We expect the same from our suppliers and business partners.

2.1 Employment Relationships

Employees must be treated with respect and any form of unlawful treatment or harassment must be rejected. Employers must comply with labor law and should expect the same from their contractors. At the start of work, employees must be provided with understandable information about working conditions, rights, obligations, working hours, and remuneration. Employees have the right to terminate the employment relationship in compliance with the notice period.

2.2 Prohibition of Child Labor and Protection of Young Workers

We do not tolerate child labor. No persons under the age of 15 and under the age for completion of compulsory education may be employed. Young workers (aged 15 to 17) must be treated with special care and must not perform work that endangers their health, safety, or morals (ILO Conventions 138 and 182). For example, they may not work overtime or at night.

We expect our business partners to take measures to prevent child labor. If child labor is identified, measures must be taken to ensure the well-being and protection of the child so that the child's development is the primary focus and is not jeopardized. When employing persons under the age of 18, care must be taken to ensure that their health, safety, and development are not compromised.

2.3 Prohibition of Forced Labor

We do not accept forced labor, including prison labor, contract labor, bonded labor, slave labor, and other forms of forced labor. We also do not tolerate human trafficking in any form (ILO Conventions No. 29 and 105).

Workers are not required to deposit "bonds" or their identity papers with their employers and are free to leave their employing company after a reasonable period of time. In addition, there shall be no restrictions on movement (including locking of factory doors) and no deliberate isolation of workers (including confiscation of cell phones or other means of communication).

2.4 Right to a Living Wage

We comply with statutory or collectively agreed provisions on remuneration and must ensure that the wage paid is not below the minimum wage (ILO Conventions No. 26 and 131).

Wages must be at least equal to the legal minimum wage in countries where a minimum wage is set by the government. In countries where the collective bargaining agreement applies instead of the minimum wage, wages must be at least equal to the correct wage level of the collective bargaining agreement (CBA). The wage for a normal working week must always be sufficient to cover the basic needs of the worker and his or her family and to allow for savings. Deductions from wages that are not provided for in national law are not permitted. Workers must be informed of the composition of their wages, including wage rates, payment deadlines, and deductions. Workers must receive a pay slip containing this information.

Wages must be paid regularly and be commensurate with the amount of work performed. Workers should also be entitled to all statutory social benefits, such as pension and health benefits. These benefits must be clearly stated on the payment voucher.

2.5 Working Hours

We comply with legal regulations on working hours, breaks, and vacations.

Employees may not be required to work more than 48 hours per week on a regular basis. They must also have at least one day off in every seven days. Overtime is voluntary and working hours including overtime should not exceed 60 hours per week. Overtime may not be required on a regular basis and only by agreement, and must always be compensated with a premium, according to the law. All employees are entitled to contractual vacation, sick leave, and parental leave without negative consequences. Pregnancy cannot be considered grounds for dismissal under any circumstances (ILO Convention No. 1; ILO Recommendation No. 110).

2.6 Contractual Obligation

There must be a legally binding employment contract. Each employee must receive a written contract, and all statutory social security contributions should be paid as specified in the contract. The contract should also apply to short-term and part-time employees.

2.7 Employee Rights, Diversity, Inclusion, Prohibition of Discrimination

Each employee shall be treated with respect and dignity. No employee shall be subjected to physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment, mistreatment, fines, or embarrassing acts as disciplinary action.

No discrimination shall occur in any aspect of employment because of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, sexual orientation, property, birth, disability, age or other status. In addition, employees may not be discriminated against on the grounds of pregnancy or parental leave (ILO Conventions No. 100, 111 and 159; ILO Recommendation No. 165).

2.8 Health and Occupational Safety

We observe occupational health and safety standards and ensure a safe working environment. This includes risk assessments, hazard prevention measures, and personal protective equipment. Employees are trained in relevant occupational health and safety topics (ILO Conventions No. 155, 183 and 184; ILO Recommendation No. 164).

We require that the safety and health of all employees is always a top priority. We provide a safe and hygienic working environment. Protective equipment is provided when necessary, and employees are trained in its use.

Access to clean toilet facilities and to drinking water, as well as to food storage facilities where appropriate, must be provided. Where accommodation is provided, it must be clean, safe and meet the basic needs of workers.

We comply with legal fire safety requirements of the relevant country and ensure the health and safety of all employees. We take measures to prevent accidents and minimize health risks. No hazardous equipment or devices are permitted. Production facilities must have clearly marked exits and emergency exits. Fire alarms and fire extinguishers must be easily accessible on each floor.

First aid equipment must be easily accessible, and at least one person in each department must be trained in first aid.

If a workplace accident occurs, the company will pay for all medical expenses not covered by insurance. Lighting, heating and ventilation systems must be designed to provide a good working environment.

Physical abuse or threats thereof, unusual punishment, sexual and other harassment, and intimidation by the employer are strictly prohibited.

2.9 Freedom of Association

Workers have the right to bargain as a group with their employer (ILO Conventions 11, 87, 98, 135 and 141).

The employer must not penalize workers who express their opinions and wishes. Where the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining is restricted by law, the employer shall not impede other forms of collective bargaining or the formation and meeting of workers' organizations. Workers' representatives must not be discriminated against and must have access to all workplaces they need to carry out their duties.

3. Ecological Responsibility

Ecological responsibility includes the protection and preservation of the natural basis of life and concerns, and obligates us all.

3.1 Environmental and Climate Protection

We want to contribute to sustainable development and to minimizing the environmental impact of textile production. We comply with applicable laws and standards on environmental and climate protection and strive to continuously reduce the impact of our business activities on the environment and the climate.

We expect our business partners to comply with applicable laws and regulations relating to the environment. For us, this includes responsible handling of chemicals and pollutants, reduction of waste and greenhouse gases, conservation of natural resources, promotion of climate-friendly technologies, and increased use of renewable energies.

We require all our business partners to comply with European climate protection laws and regulations and to make efforts to support environmental and climate protection.

3.2 Animal and Species Protection

We conduct our business activities in accordance with the principles of animal welfare and biodiversity protection. All animal husbandry and use must comply with applicable legal animal welfare requirements and be species-appropriate (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora - CITES).

Suppliers must respect animal welfare and apply healthy and humane practices towards animals based on the best available technologies and standards.

3.3 Ethical Business and Honesty

We pursue only legitimate business goals and practices and work only with reputable partners. We treat our business partners and customers with appreciation and respect their different social, economic, legal, and cultural backgrounds and circumstances. Business decisions should be based on ethical values and principles. These include integrity and human dignity. We support free and fair trade, and all business partners must comply with the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which they operate.

3.4 Anti-Corruption

Corruption in any form is not accepted and is rejected. This is communicated to all employees and business partners through this CoC.

3.5 Fair Competition

We stand for free and fair competition and avoid anti-competitive agreements. We act in accordance with applicable antitrust laws and reject competitive advantages through unfair business practices.

3.6 Protection of Confidential Information and Personal Data

We respect the personal rights of employees, business partners, and customers and comply with the legal requirements for information security and the processing of personal data.

3.7 Protection of Consumer Interests

The safety and quality of our products reflect the interest of consumers. We ensure that our products comply with the relevant legal requirements for consumer protection. We use fair business, marketing, and advertising methods, provide consumers with appropriate information, and promote their education.

The undersigned hereby certifies as follows: