Blog post Behind the Scenes // Meditation

Behind the Scenes // Meditation

We as a team have found a way that lets us escape from the everyday hustle and bustle. We allow ourselves space and time to sharpen our consciousness, to sort our thoughts. We use a guided meditation that brings us peace. That lets the focus be on us. We work closely together but let go to create.

Ryzon Behind the Scenes We are aware of what a privilege we have to be able to develop without restrictions. That our self-sufficient work philosophy means independence. Everyone has the opportunity to freely decide how they want to organize their time off. Every day we work together as a community. Ideas are created and everyone should share their own ideas. It's busy. We live and love this hustle and bustle, that's us. But everyone needs their own time to organize their thoughts.

Ryzon Behing the Scenes Cologne Meditation In between, we consciously take our time. Time for meditation to sort our thoughts. It happens in everyday life when the individual feels like it. It's casual and easy. We sit down in the space that is currently free and let ourselves be guided. We use a guided meditation from 7Mind in which we consciously focus on our own body, the environment or our thoughts. Just a few minutes are enough to escape from everyday life. The resulting atmosphere, with the people we have around us every day, lets us become free. Forget work and upcoming appointments. It is a moment without tension and hectic. After this short, conscious break, we go into everyday life with a clear mind and strengthened concentration.

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