Gravel tips for beginners

Are you interested in gravel riding but are new to the area? Don't worry, with a few simple tips and tricks you can get started effortlessly:

  • The right bike: Find the right gravel bike that suits your needs and riding style. Pay particular attention to a comfortable seating position, reliable brakes and a suitable gear ratio. For the best start, it is advisable to get professional advice from a bike shop. Choose high-quality tires with a non-slip profile to ensure you can ride safely on different surfaces.
  • The right equipment: Complete your equipment with suitable clothing and shoes that meet the requirements of gravel riding. Breathable clothing that is suitable for different weather conditions is recommended. Padded cycling shorts and a suitable jersey can improve riding comfort, especially on longer rides.
  • The right route: Plan your route in advance and choose routes that suit your fitness level. Find out about the condition of the paths and possible obstacles.
  • Traveling with like-minded people: Join a gravel group or a gravel friend with whom you can go on a tour. This makes riding even more fun and you benefit from valuable tips and experiences.

Gravel biking – an unforgettable experience

Whether you are an experienced cyclist or just starting out, gravel biking offers you the opportunity to experience new adventures and enjoy the freedom of nature . Discover the diversity of the landscape , enjoy the fresh air and experience an unforgettable riding experience that will inspire you. Gravel biking is a particularly good way to experience nature to the fullest in spring. You might even discover completely new routes in your area that you didn't know about before. Here you will find tips on how to find the optimal gravel route.

  • What is gravelling?

    Here you can find out what the term "gravel riding" means. Ready to explore the world of gravel riding?

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  • graveln-die-optimale-ausruestung

    Gravel biking: The optimal equipment

    Find out more about the optimal gravel equipment - whether for a short ride or a longer adventure.

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  • Why is gravelling so popular?

    Versatility, a thirst for adventure and discovering new paths off the road. Find out more about why gravel cycling is so popular.

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