Mindfulness - finding the focus again and turning into ourselves. Pay attention to the soul and focus on the essentials again. Live in the here and now. Stay in the moment where you are right now. Let yourself drift and let your thoughts flow. Your body will guide you, show you what is right.
Constant accessibility, high demands on ourselves and a flood of information that sweeps us away like a big wave every day. It's getting harder and harder for us to switch off, find focus and turn to ourselves. But for optimal performance, mindfulness is the opposite. To be in the here and now, to concentrate on this one moment. to linger. To find your way back. Stay in that situation and become aware of it.
Mindfulness in sport is a prerequisite for any performance. Dealing effectively with emotions and thoughts drives you forward. But we should look back to our beginnings. Why did we start this sport? What drove us? What exactly do I enjoy about it? - We should push performance aside and bring passion back to the fore. Don't feel pressured to cover a certain number of kilometers. Leave your mobile phone, bike computer with wattmeter or running watch at home, ride aimlessly, let yourself drift. Enjoy.
We as a team have found a way for ourselves, not only in sports but also at work, how to escape from the hustle and bustle. How we treat each other and ourselves with care. We regularly use a guided meditation from 7Mind to help us with this. We create a situation in which the focus is on us. We also want to offer you the opportunity to find yourself again and to practice mindfulness towards yourself and your fellow human beings. For this reason we started the cooperation with 7Mind. A 7Mind Special is ready for you with every order. You will also find free basic courses in the 7Mind app. 7Mind from Berlin has set itself the task of helping as many people as possible to bring more calm and mindfulness into their lives. To master everyday situations better, to take part in the world in a self-determined and relaxed manner, with an open view of the beautiful things in life.