Blog post United In Humanity

United In Humanity

The UnitedInHumanity project was created at a time when we as a society are facing an unimaginably great challenge, which at the same time represents an enormous opportunity. During this time we feel that something bigger connects us. Something that each of us carries within us. Right now we have the chance to show that solidarity connects us.

From various aid projects, something fundamental has emerged for us. In times of perceived standstill, we had the chance to reflect on what really moves us. We as Ryzon - as a community, have been given the opportunity to escape the familiar for a moment and have been able to express what accompanies us every day in life with the UnitedInHumanity projects.


We as Ryzon - as a group of individuals, athletes, as a growing company and above all as a community, took the opportunity to show what connects us at heart. We see ourselves as part of a society in which everyone can make a difference. No matter how big the impact or how many people we can reach. Small gestures and actions can create big things - the first UnitedInHumanity projects showed us that.

Every person on this planet should have the right to freedom, to be able to determine their own life and all decisions that affect this life. without exception.

We are convinced that self-determination, freedom, security and appreciation promote the well-being of all people and are therefore the path to happiness and contentment for everyone. This is the basis of our daily cooperation at Ryzon. It is the DNA of our shared vision.

We live and work in a community based on trust, openness, optimism, diversity and respect. This is the only way we can achieve more together. We at Team Ryzon are aware of our privileged situation and want to use this awareness for the good of all. We want to take the chance to spread this message and stand up for everyone who shares this vision with us.

Thanks to your support, we have already been able to help people with the first UnitedInHumanity projects and make our small contribution. Here you can find one of our previous UnitedInHumanity projects. We cordially invite you to embark on this journey with us. A journey based on solidarity, openness, trust and lets us show new horizons together. But also a journey that involves overcoming hurdles and breaking old patterns of thought.

Let's stand together now that every person on this planet has the right to freedom to determine their own life and all decisions that affect this life.

Your team Ryzon

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