Blog post United In Humanity Project // Baskets for Cologne eV

United In Humanity Project // Baskets for Cologne eV

Together with your help and Laureus Sport for Good, we were able to donate mouth and nose masks to the registered association Körbe für Köln with our United In Humanity Project.

Körbe für Köln eV does sports-related youth social work in Cologne and supports clubs, youth and refugee work. This happens at locations that have a special need for youth welfare with a wide range of free, health-promoting, integrative and inclusive exercise offers. Above all, socially disadvantaged young people from kindergarten age to young adulthood should be supported. The focus of the work of Körbe für Köln eV is on inclusive, fair education, healthy lifestyles, gender equality, equal opportunities and many other indispensable focal points.

For this reason, the cooperation with the Ryzon United In Humanity campaign is not only help and support of everyday life through the masks, but also an expression of our common values.

If you too have an affair of the heart that you brought to life, or if support and help is needed in your environment: Let us know. Together we can create something great hand in hand.

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