Triathlon training plan for beginners
Do you want to start triathlon but don't know how to get started? This triathlon training plan for beginners gives you everything you need for your first competition. Whether you're looking for the sprint distance, popular distance or just getting started in the sport, here you'll find a free 12-week training plan , practical tips and answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Why use a triathlon training plan?
Triathlon combines three sports in one competition: swimming, cycling and running. Getting started can seem overwhelming, but with the right preparation, the path to a successful finish is easier than you think. A structured triathlon training plan will help you train specifically and effectively. As a beginner, it is important to find the right balance between swimming, cycling and running without overloading your body.
To start with triathlon, it is helpful to set yourself a clear goal . This could be a local sprint or popular distance that you sign up for. These shorter distances will challenge you, but are doable. Then start a training plan in good time that is tailored to your fitness level. It should not be too demanding, but also not too demanding. Always pay attention to and listen to your body.
It is a good idea to start specific training for your triathlon around 12 weeks before you start. The focus is first on building the basics, technique and then later on specific competition preparation. If you would like to know more about the training areas in endurance sports , then take a look at the site!
How do I start triathlon?
Beginners should plan 3-4 sessions per week. Adjust the intensity to your fitness level. If you feel overwhelmed and constantly tired, you should reduce the training volume a little. If, on the other hand, you don't feel like you're getting enough exercise, you can do 1-2 more sessions. Pay close attention to your body and its signals.
Triathlon training can quickly become lonely. To avoid this, you can join a triathlon club near you. There you can go to swimming, running and cycling meetings together. This will help you to stay motivated and not lose the fun of training.
You can find more expert tips for your first triathlon season on this page !
Which triathlon training plan is right for me?
Every body is different and so a triathlon training plan should be tailored to your individual needs. So if you have specific goals, such as a plan without swimming or you have a specific injury, you should adapt the units individually. With the free training plan that you can find here on the site, you already have a very good foundation that you can build on.

What equipment do I need for triathlon?
In addition to the training itself, the right equipment in training and in competition plays a crucial role in your success. Suitable and good sports clothing is essential for your training, which perfectly accompanies and supports you during your sessions. Here are other things you need for your Triathlon training:
- Swimming: swimming goggles, swimsuit/swimming trunks, wetsuit if necessary
- Cycling: A roadworthy bicycle, helmet, cycling bottles, cycling shoes or normal sports shoes, cycling clothing such as cycling shorts and cycling jersey
- Running: Comfortable running shoes and breathable running clothing
On the day of the competition, the equipment is of course also very important. Take care of your equipment early so that you are perfectly prepared! Here you will find various triathlon suits that will accompany you perfectly in your first competition!
You can find out what else you should consider on your competition day in our checklist for the triathlon competition.
Collapsible content
Here you can find more tips and tricks for the perfect introduction to triathlon sport:
Plan long, easy rides. It's important to do a lot of basic training and to incorporate interval training. Plan your rides with friends, then the training will be twice as much fun! Here you can find more information on how to improve your road cycling!
You can improve your swimming technique by practicing a lot. This will give you a much better feel for the water. Specific technique exercises can also help you. It is also helpful to have an experienced swimmer analyze your technique. If you have joined a club, you can also go to swimming training there and ask for helpful tips.
You can prepare well for the triathlon with interval training . You should integrate this into your training plan early on so that your body can get used to the strain.
Hier findest du einen kostenlosen Triathlon Trainingsplan. Passe ihn auf deine Bedürfnisse an, dann bist du bestens gerüstet für deinen ersten Triathlon!
Montag: Ruhetag oder leichtes Stretching
Dienstag: Schwimmen
Mittwoch: Radfahren
Donnerstag: Schwimmen
Freitag: Lauftraining + Krafttraining
Samstag: Langer Radausflug
Sonntag: Kombiniertes Training (z. B. Radfahren + Laufen)
Woche 1-4: Grundlagenaufbau; Ziele: Gewöhnung an die Bewegungen und die Grundlagenausdauer aufbauen
- Montag: Ruhetag
- Dienstag Schwimmen: Technikübungen (z. B. Gleiten, Kraulbeine) 30 Min (800–1000 m)
- Mittwoch Radfahren: Lockeres Fahren 45 Min.
- Donnerstag Schwimmen: Grundlagen (z. B. Kraul + Atmung) 30 Min. (800– 1000 m)
- Freitag Lauftraining: Lockerer Dauerlauf 45-60 Min.
Krafttraining: Basisübungen (Kniebeugen, Liegestütze, Plank) 30 Min. - Samstag Radfahren: Langer, lockerer Ausflug 60 Min.
- Sonntag Laufen: Lockerer Dauerlauf 20–30 Min.
Woche 5-8: Steigerung der Ausdauer; Ziele: Distanzen leicht erhöhen, erste Koppeleinheiten ausprobieren
- Montag Ruhetag
- Dienstag Schwimmen: Technik + Ausdauer (Intervalle: 4x100 m) 40 Min. (1000–1200 m)
- Mittwoch Radfahren: Locker + 3-5 schnelle Intervalle (je 1 Min.) 60 Min.
- Donnerstag Schwimmen: Längere Sets (z. B. 4x200 m) 40 Min. (1000–1500 m)
- Freitag Lauftraining: Intervalltraining 45 Min
Krafttraining: Fokus auf Rumpfstabilität 30 Min. - Samstag Radfahren: Langer, zügiger Ausflug 90 Min.
- Sonntag Kombi: Radfahren (30 Min.) + Laufen (15 Min.) 45 Min.
Woche 9-12: Wettkampfvorbereitung; Ziele: Belastungen simulieren und Übergänge trainieren
- Montag Ruhetag
- Dienstag Schwimmen: Wettkampfsimulation (z. B. 3x400 m) 45 Min. (1500 m)
- Mittwoch Radfahren: Zügiges Fahren mit Anstiegen 60–90 Min.
- Donnerstag Schwimmen: Technik + Sprints (z. B. 8x50 m schnell) 45 Min (1200–1500 m)
- Freitag Laufen: Langsam mit Endbeschleunigung 40 Min.
- Samstag Radfahren: Langer Ausflug (90–120 Min.) 90–120 Min.
- Sonntag Kombi: Radfahren (45 Min.) + Laufen (20 Min.) 65 Min.
Mit diesem Triathlon Trainingsplan für Anfänger:innen und den dazugehörigen Tipps bist du bestens vorbereitet. Egal, ob du dich für die Volksdistanz, Sprintdistanz oder einen individuellen Plan entscheidest – der erste Schritt ist getan. Jetzt liegt es an dir: Werde Triathlet:in!